Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Living Restoration Blog

I was going to title this blog Living Revolution, precisely because the term “revolution” embodies “stirring things up.” My accounts, ideas and opinions may (hopefully) stir up or challenge common thoughts, practices, lifestyles, and even, beliefs. The term “revolution” can have some bad connotations and my writings will turn some stomachs in bad ways, but it also has good connotations, and it is my purpose and belief that good triumphs.

The more I learn, the more it seems I gravitate to circles of dissenting and protesting. Being an activist is a good thing, but if I really desire activating change, then I must be guided by love. Being guided by love does not mean what I communicate will be safe or comfortable, but I will strive to be gentle (good advice Mom). The switch to living Restoration was because it has a gentler edge. It also more thoroughly encompasses my message. Restoration signifies re-imagining, re-inventing, re-creating, and re-defining, going forward but forward in a new way. Mindsets, traditions, and paradigms may need some restoration if there is ever going to be a restoration of self, relationships, and environment.

Living was any easy choice for a title. If an idea doesn’t bring life, it should be discarded. If a change can’t be lived, then it should be forgotten. If I cannot live out my words then they should not hold their value.

Most of what I say has been said before. In fact, I plan to regurgitate what others have said because it needs to be said again and again.

In this blog, I picture a study and investigation of the root issues to injustice. I picture helping myself, and the reader, by putting of ourselves in other’s shoes. I picture sparking, as others before me have said, some “Holy anger” when oppression is given a face. Yet, in all of this I yearn to learn to love deeper –and to be able to measure that love.

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